SBAOG Christmas Eve 2022

We're so proud of our Youth and Young Adults. Shoutout to everyone who had a hand in the Christmas program. Thank you all for making Hawaii, Mexico, Tonga and our beloved Samoa come to life. It was a simple task but everyone put their talent into it from the costumes, to the language, to the culture to the representation of each nation, ALL to glorify God. A HUGE shoutout to the best Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus we've ever seen, Thank you ASU Family! Pastor was fumbling with his words near tears that ya'll accepted his request, then brought it to life. Our kids are growing so fast, I love pictures because it has the ability to freeze time, capture that moment, and cherish it forever. We love ya'll. This is OUR space. I try to keep it updated as much as time permits. Enjoy your memories. #sbaogstrong 

Ladies at the end of the night.

Ant and the kids outdoors.

Mama Lisi and the bunch.

Fave pic! Lisi and the future SBAOG. These are tomorrow's Leaders, missionary's, Pastor's, professional athletes, educators, physicians and world politicians. Daily prayer for each of them is they encounter God is a dramatic way that shapes their faith forever and that they impact the W O R L D in which they live and work in. our F U T U R E

S for S A M O A

Braxton with his Mommy and Sissy

Everybody with their fave Aunty.

Sheron is camera shy

This is hilariously cute

our Tuinei's missing Siah

I wanna know who took this pic lol, caught me, elvin and papa liu in the back LOL

Love our Youth Leaders, the Eliu's 

Our Men's always smiles and supporting.

Sweet ladies


Sweet Jesus helpers! Always serving.

Our sweet Moni, love her! Always a quiet spirit

White Elephant fun

Manuia stealing a prize, making it even more fun LOL

Ant checking to see what he got. 

Papa, I want to open all my presents NOW

i really prefer to be behind the camera lol

Dallas, the greatest big brother ever, and you can tell by how much Ayesha adores you. we love you

Our sweet Jake, always asking for ways to serve. Love him!

Our boy Isaac. Now we just gotta get mom to come when she can lol

Our handsome ever growing Jon B, God bless you! we love you.

My big baby Mel, who is my right hand with Children's Church, our newest college student. Love you!!

His excitement.

Joyyyyyy, she's coming out of her shell, into her own. love you

Bubba, quiet but humorous. love you

Life of every party, Dayo! love you

Coey. brightens any room she walks into. love you

Another big baby of ours....hardworker, adulting and smart. love you

Our giant teddybear, inquisitive mind. love you Tana

Jason is such a great big brother, always wanting to help. love you

Jaxson, his Papa's right hand, and is growing so fast. love you

Jaylynn, my thoughtful and methodical thinker, good observer, love you

this guy, everytingz! I pray you stop screaming in church and learn to sit still. BYE

Ada is no pushover yall, sassy and full of unmatched energy, i love you

Siah makes it a point to pause before giving us a huge smile and waves, melts my heart. love you

Nana, cheerleading fits you so well, you have a super bright spirit. love you

cultivating believers to light up the W O R L D

This is US, different but the same. Intertwined to be used for God's glory here in the DINO!

My sugarplum and I, i thank God for what he has enabled us to do, the life He's given us, the ministry in which He's planted us at, the people He has brought into our lives to L O V E as our own. I only have eyes for you babe, the sun rises and sets on you, forever. [ok, enough being cheeky LOL]

The Tuinei's, Wendy and her boys, love ya'll

powerhouse sisters who get things done, i love ya'll, thank you for what you do for SBAOG

love you Peni sisters. 

love them!!

love you ladies, thank you for always supporting 

The Aviu's in the house. Love ya'll

For the culture

There goes Braxton, playing the role to get attention. He gets me every time. ugh

Sasa prepping her group! Thank you Sasa


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