Weekly check in

Fa'atalofa atu i le paia ma le mamalu o le tatou au uso. Talitonu le loto ma le agaga o lo'o manuia uma i tatou, i le pule fa'asoifua a le tatou Tama o i le lagi. Ia iate Ia lona lava viiga e fa'avavau. Amene!

Fa'amanatu atu le tatou Drive-thru Easter Service ile aso Sa nei, taimi masani 11am-2pm. Fa'amolemole fa'ailoa mai le taimi a aiga taitasi. Aua nei galo le Susuga ia Sakaria e mulimuli mai a. Ia tatou usiusitai pea i le tulafono, aua nei ova ma le 10 tagata i le taimi e tasi.

Mareko 14:33-38 "Ua o ane foi o ia ma Peteru, ma Iakopo, ma Ioane, ona matautuia lea o ia, ma atuatuvale. Ona fetalai atu lea o ia ia te i latou, o loo matua tiga lava lo'u loto e oo i le oti; ina nonofo ia outou iinei, ma mataala. Ua faaititi atu ia i luma, ona faapau lea o ia i le eleele, ma tatalo ina ia mavae atu lea itu aso ia te ia, pe afai e mafaia. Ua faapea atu, Ava, lou Tama e, e te mafaia e oe mea uma lava; ia e aveeseina lenei ipu ia te au; a e aua le faia lo'u loto, a o lou finagalo. Ona maliu ane lea o ia, ua maua i latou o momoe; ona fetalai atu lea o ia ia Peteru, Simona e, ua e moe ea? e te le lava ea ona mataala i le itu po e tasi? Ina mataala ia, ma tatalo, ne'i oo mai le faaosoosoga ia te outou; ua manao i ai le loto, a o le tino ua vaivai."

Sina fa'amalosi mo i tatou, pei ona fai mai Iesu, ia outou mataala ma tatalo. Aua o le tatalo o le aupega sili na fa'aleagaga. E tatou fa'ailoa sa'o atu ai i Le Atua mea o i tatou loto. Ae maise o le taimi lenei o i tatou iai. Aua o na'o Ia e tatou te maua ai le malosiaga, le filemu ma le olioli i taimi faigata pei o aso fa'apenei.

Manatua ifo i talosaga le fa'ama'i o lo'o pesi nei, ae maise le tatou au uso ma le fanau a Le Atua ile lalolagi atoa. 

GREETINGS FAMILY!! Prayerfully thanking God for His protection over each of you! To God be all the glory and all the praise, AMEN!

We wanted to remind everyone of our Drive-Thru Easter Service this coming Sunday. Please look out for the text for scheduling. 

Mark 14:33-38 "And He took Peter, James and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay her and watch." He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will." Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Just like Jesus told them, WATCH and PRAY! As prayer is a powerful weapon, especially during times like these. We need to use it to our full potential.Pray in detail and ask God to fulfill whatever need is in your heart. Only He can give you the desires of your heart. May He fill you with His perfect peace during this tumultuous time we are living in.

Family, please pray for the Covid19 and the affect it's had on our world. Pray they find a cure soon. Pray for everyone to be safe and healthy. See you soon! Love, #teamSialoi


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